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Blog Archive

4 Subtle Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) You Need to Know Jul 7th, 2024

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a complication of broader circulatory system problems that occur in the deep veins of your legs. If you’re dealing with any stage of vein disease, it puts you at risk of developing this potentially life-threatening condition.  However, understanding the signs of DVT, including the more...

The Importance of Treating Nonhealing Wounds Mar 8th, 2024

When you sustain a wound, your body enlists help from many different systems and organs to rush blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the site to aid healing. Usually, a small wound takes a week or so to go from an open sore to a tissue-filled scar. But what if your...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

What Causes a DVT, and How Is it Treated? Feb 1st, 2024

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a circulatory system problem that causes blood clots in the deep leg veins. It affects some 900,000 people annually, and about 100,000 of them die within the year. Since it doesn’t always cause symptoms, many people don’t know they have it until they hit a...

What to Expect During and After a Stress Test Jan 9th, 2024

Cardiac symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath, are worrying, especially if you don’t know what’s causing them. Often, the first tool in the diagnostic arsenal is a stress test that determines how effectively your heart functions under stress. The results reveal possible underlying cause(s) of those symptoms,...

The Link Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Speech Dec 14th, 2023

Traumatic brain injuries can affect a number of different areas of your health, including your ability to communicate. From speech issues to difficulty with writing and reading, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cast a wide net. In this month’s blog post, the team of speech therapists and speech pathologists...

What Can a Vascular Ultrasound Reveal About My Health? Nov 14th, 2023

Vascular ultrasound is a cutting-edge, completely noninvasive, diagnostic imaging procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of your veins and evaluate blood flow in the arteries and veins of the arms, neck, and legs. It allows doctors to diagnose potential cardiovascular problems that might lead...

Are Uterine Fibroids Dangerous? Oct 3rd, 2023

Uterine fibroids, medically known as myomas or leiomyomas, are noncancerous muscular tumors that grow within the uterine lining, within the uterine cavity, or outside the uterus completely, usually during a woman’s childbearing years. They don’t create an increased risk for uterine cancer and don’t usually develop into any form of...

4 Tips to Practice Diabetic Foot Care Each Day Sep 5th, 2023

Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels; either your pancreas doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin to convert glucose (sugar) into energy for the body’s cells, or the cells no longer respond to insulin’s effects. Either way, the sugar level in your bloodstream rises, putting your...

Things an Echocardiogram Tells You About Your Heart Aug 5th, 2023

If you experience shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, or other symptoms that can indicate an underlying cardiovascular condition, you need an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible so you can get proper treatment for it.   At Heart Vascular & Leg Center, our expert team of board-certified cardiologists...

What to Do if You Have a Slow-Healing Wound Jul 5th, 2023

When you sustain a wound, your body enlists help from many different systems and organs to rush blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the site to aid healing. Normally the process takes a week or so for a small wound to go from an open sore to a tissue-filled scar. But...

How Should I Prepare for a Stress Test? Jun 8th, 2023

If you display symptoms of cardiac disease, such as chest pain or shortness of breath, your doctor may order a stress test to determine how well your heart functions under stress, such as during exercise. The test’s results inform us about your symptoms' underlying cause(s) so we can administer prompt...

Understanding the Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) May 12th, 2023

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a complication of circulatory system problems that occurs in the deep veins of your legs. If you have any stage of vein disease, it puts you at risk of developing this potentially life-threatening condition. However, understanding the signs of DVT will help you know when...

Signs and Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome Apr 10th, 2023

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is classified as a sleep disorder because it creeps up on you late in the day or when you’ve headed to bed. The disorder causes a compulsive urge to move your legs (and other body parts) and other physical sensations, such as pulling, tugging, creeping, itching,...

What to Expect After Uterine Fibroid Embolization Mar 22nd, 2023

Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas or myomas, are noncancerous growths in or on the uterus. They often appear during a woman’s childbearing years and can lead to pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding, but they’re not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer, nor do they usually develop into any...

5 Helpful Treatments for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Feb 17th, 2023

Pelvic pain is extremely common, and experts estimate that approximately 40% of gynecological visits involve chronic pelvic pain complaints. Up to 30% of these women experience pain because of pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS), but most of these may go undiagnosed because physicians are often unfamiliar with the condition or fail...

Understanding How a Dialysis Access Placement Works Jan 10th, 2023

You have two kidneys, and their primary job is to remove waste products and water from the blood, excreting them as urine. If your kidneys fail to function normally, you may have to undergo hemodialysis, an external machine that removes the waste for you. For that, you need an access...

When Telehealth Is the Right Call Dec 12th, 2022

Telehealth (sometimes used interchangeably with telemedicine) uses technology, such as webcams, tablets, and smartphones, to provide patients with medical services in a secure online environment, not at an in-person office visit. At Heart Leg & Vascular Center, our expert team of vascular specialists is proud to provide telehealth services to...

Is Chest Pain Always Heart-Related? Nov 10th, 2022

Chest pain is a worrisome symptom, but it doesn’t always mean you’re having a heart attack or that it’s even related to your heart. Understanding the causes of chest pain can help you determine when you need to seek medical help. At Heart Vascular & Leg Center in Bakersfield, California,...

4 Things a Stress Test Can Reveal About Your Health Oct 13th, 2022

Cardiologists order stress tests because they provide valuable information about how your heart functions when it’s placed under physical stress, such as exercise. The results also help determine the underlying cause of symptoms, such as shortness of breath and chest pain, informing effective treatment. At Heart Vascular & Leg Center,...

The Dangers of Deep Vein Thrombosis Sep 6th, 2022

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a dangerous symptom of vein disease that occurs in the deep veins of your legs. If you’ve developed any stage of vein disease, you’re at risk of developing this potentially life-threatening condition. Knowing the risks, though, will help you get medical treatment before it becomes...

The Link Between Being Overweight and Leg Swelling Aug 15th, 2022

Being overweight puts you at risk for many health conditions, from heart disease to diabetes to stroke. What many people don’t know, though, is that the extra pounds can lead to swelling in the lower legs, a condition called edema. While by itself edema isn’t necessarily serious, it’s a symptom...

How to Take Care of Your Feet when You're a Diabetic Jul 11th, 2022

When you’re a diabetic, your body either doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin to convert glucose into energy in the body’s cells, or the cells stop responding to insulin’s effects. Either way, your blood sugar levels rise, putting your entire body at risk for complications, including your feet. At...

What a Stress Test Can Tell You About Your Heart Jun 3rd, 2022

If your cardiologist orders a stress test, it’s because they need to obtain more information about your heart and how it functions. The test measures what happens to your heart when it’s placed under physical stress, such as exercise. The results help them determine the underlying cause of symptoms, such...

Who's at Risk for DVT? May 11th, 2022

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a circulatory system problem that occurs in the deep veins of your legs. Anyone who’s developed any stage of vein disease is at risk for developing this potentially life-threatening condition, but knowing your risks will help you get medical treatment at the first sign of...

Get Excellent Vascular Care from the Comfort of Your Own Home Apr 19th, 2022

Telehealth is a branch of medicine that uses technology, such as webcams, tablets, and even smartphones, to provide patients with access to their doctors and the ability to exchange medical information — but in a secure online environment, not at an in-person office visit. At Heart Leg & Vascular Center,...

What the Results of a Stress Test Tell Your Doctor Mar 1st, 2022

A stress test assesses how your heart functions when it’s under physical strain, such as exercise. Your doctor may order a stress test if you’re showing signs of cardiac disease, such as shortness of breath and chest pain. The results tell them the underlying cause(s) of your symptoms so they...

Determining the Source of Your Pelvic Pain Feb 1st, 2022

Pelvic pain may seem an odd concern for a vascular practice, but it makes sense when you consider pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS), a source of chronic pelvic pain that stems from damaged blood vessels. At Heart Vascular & Leg Center in Bakersfield, California, our expert team of vascular, wound, and...

Why Wound Care Is So Important when You're a Diabetic Jan 18th, 2022

Your circulatory system is the workhorse of your body, providing oxygen and other nutrients to all its tissues, as well as removing waste products. Damage to any part of this vast network of organs, arteries, and veins can have wide-reaching effects. At Heart Vascular & Leg Center in Bakersfield, California,...

This Is Why You Shouldn't Ignore Shortness of Breath Dec 14th, 2021

When you think of “shortness of breath,” you immediately think of a lung problem. But what if we told you that your shortness of breath was due to a circulatory system problem, and if you ignore it, you could end up with an amputated leg? In the US, 82% of...

Diabetics: Embrace These Healthy Habits To Support Your Vascular Health Nov 1st, 2021

Your circulatory system provides oxygen and other nutrients to your entire body, as well as removes waste products for excretion. If any part of this vast network of organs, arteries, and veins becomes damaged, it can have wide-reaching effects. Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels, where...

Why Do You Wake Up at Night Due to Leg Pain? Oct 1st, 2021

Leg pain, including leg pain that wakes you up at night, can be caused by many different problems, ranging from a sprain to an ulcer. An unfortunately common cause of severe leg pain is vascular disease, and if your legs hurt because of it, you have more to worry about...

September Is PAD Awareness Month: Do You Know the Health of Your Arteries? Sep 1st, 2021

September has been designated Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month — do you know your artery health? It’s not a trivial question, as more than eight million Americans aged 40 years and older have this circulatory system disease, sometimes also known as peripheral arterial disease. With PAD, the arteries carrying...

Why Are Your Legs Keeping You Up at Night? Aug 10th, 2021

Do you lie down to sleep, only to have your legs decide it’s a great time to move around? There’s a name for it — restless legs syndrome (RLS), and it’s a sleep disorder. It causes a person to compulsively move their legs (or other parts of the body) and...

Which Doctor Treats Leg Pain, Cramps, and Swelling? Jul 1st, 2021

If you’re experiencing leg pain, cramps, and swelling, they could all be unrelated problems, but more often than not, they derive from the same cause — venous insufficiency, or poor blood circulation. Here at Heart Vascular & Leg Center in Bakersfield, California, our expert vascular providers are intimately familiar with...

What Are the Signs/Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation in the Legs? Jun 27th, 2021

Your circulatory system comprises a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries that carries oxygen and nutrients from your heart to your organs and tissues and removes waste on the return journey. If you experience any changes in the structure or function of the components, it can lead to poor circulation...

How Serious Are Leg Pains and/or Poor Blood Circulation? May 21st, 2021

Pain in the leg is just the result of standing too long or exercising too hard, right? Maybe, but if the pain doesn’t go away, it could be a symptom of an underlying circulatory system disease that requires treatment. At Heart Vascular & Leg Center in Bakersfield, California, our expert...

Can I Ignore Leg Pain and Poor Blood Circulation? Apr 21st, 2021

Your circulatory system is a vast network of arteries, veins, and capillaries that carries oxygen and nutrients from your heart to your organs and deoxygenated blood from the tissues to your heart. Any problem with the structure or function of the system can lead to poor circulation, creating a host...

Leg Pain and Poor Blood Circulation -- Why You Shouldn't Ignore It Mar 1st, 2021

Leg pain is often the first symptom of vascular disease, but each person’s experience varies. Your leg pain may range from mild to severe. You may feel the pain when you’re active or at rest. As the pain comes and goes, it’s easy to ignore it and wait for it...

Amputation Is Preventable Aug 9th, 2016

Effecting 15 percent of patients with diabetes, a foot ulcer is an open sore or wound commonly found on the bottom of the foot. Anyone who has diabetes can develop a foot ulcer, and approximately 20 percent of patients with diabetes who develop a foot ulcer will require an amputation....

Treatments for PAD Jul 12th, 2016

Peripheral arterial disease, P.A.D., is a condition in which your arteries become clogged due to a buildup of extra cholesterol and fat. Normally seen in the lower limbs, P.A.D. can be seen anywhere in the body. This is a common disease, however just like clogged arteries in the heart can...

PAD- Are You At Risk? Jun 16th, 2016

Peripheral arterial disease, known as P.A.D., develops when arteries become clogged due to extra cholesterol and fat. PAD usually occurs in the lower limbs, such as the legs and feet, but can be seen in other areas of the body. This is a common, yet serious, disease that can be...

Relief For Swollen Legs May 30th, 2016

If you’re experiencing swelling in the legs and feet this summer, you may find that it is not only embarrassing but uncomfortable and impractical. Leg swelling or edema affects many older adults due to a variety of reasons. Luckily there is relief for patients who suffer from vascular conditions affecting...

Minimally Invasive Treatment for Varicose Veins Mar 15th, 2016

Varicose veins (commonly referred to as spider veins) are common in older women. By the age of 50, approximately 41% of women experience varicose veins. In addition to cosmetic concerns, they cause pain and fatigue and sometimes threaten the health of the limbs. Varicose veins affect 22 million women and...

Foot Ulcers and PAD Nov 24th, 2015

Foot ulcers can be a common occurrence in diabetic patients, but they may pose a greater health risk for those who also have Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). At Heart Vascular and Leg in Bakersfield, CA, we offer diagnosis and treatment for PAD and other venous or vascular diseases that can impact overall health....

Venaseal: Exciting New Option For Venous Disease Oct 26th, 2015

Venous and vascular diseases affecting the limbs can have an impact on the quality of daily life and present a real risk of limb loss if it is left untreated long enough. Advances in technology provide interventional physicians like Dr. Vinod Kumar the ability to save patient’s limbs with minimally...

Avoid Limb Amputation With Vascular Treatment Sep 27th, 2015

Until recently, patients suffering from vascular insufficiency in their legs due to a variety of health concerns and systemic diseases like diabetes were at risk of losing a limb to address the problem. Amputation was the common outcome in many cases in order to restore health and resolve leg pain,...

Amputations Are Preventable Jul 19th, 2015

There are more than 80,000 non-traumatic lower limb amputations in the United States every year. Sixty percent or more are in patients suffering from diabetes. AMPUTATION IS PREVENTABLE Patient with diabetes should have regular foot screenings and be screened for peripheral arterial disease, at least every 6 months. Do You Have...

Treatment Options for P.A.D. Jul 19th, 2015

The goal at the Vascular and Leg Center is to treat Peripheral Arterial Disease quickly and conveniently in an outpatient setting. After a screening and diagnosis, our doctors will develop a treatment plan to: Reduce painful symptoms Improve your quality of life Increase mobility Prevent heart attack, stroke or limb...

Why Are My Feet Swollen? Jul 19th, 2015

What Causes Swollen Feet There are many factors and conditions that can cause swelling in the legs and/or feet, including: Prolonged periods of sitting or standing, often made worse in heat Overweight/obesityChronic venous insufficiency, caused by faulty valves in the veins of the legs Cardiovascular and/or respiratory diseases Certain medications such...

Are You at Risk for P.A.D? Apr 26th, 2015

Did You Know… Adults over age 50 with diabetes are at a 3X greater risk for developing peripheral arterial disease. Other conditions or habits that raise the risk for P.A.D. include: History of smoking Chronic kidney disease High cholesterol Test Your Risk Take our 60 second P.A.D. Risk Assessment Quiz to find...